A Rose By Any Other Name


Luke's reading assignment for this week was to read an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. (He's in 6th grade.)

He wasn't impressed.

I guess he doesn't get what it means to be a hopeless romantic.

Well, good.


(for now)

Water, water everywhere...


I attended a memorial service today. My Granny's BEST friend (40 years of being best friends!) passed away.

And though I wasn't surprised about what I heard from this particular denomination's pastor, my eyes were opened to the fact that I really believe everyone pretty much believes what I believe.


Everyone does NOT believe what I believe.

So as the words "baptized into the church" were being said over and over throughout his message...I just prayed. Prayed hard.

People, Jesus is the only way to get to heaven. Period.

If you got wet to join a church, you've missed it.

If you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, been baptized by water and spirit...then you will NEVER be the same.

If you've never been MADE new...then you aren't new...you're just a new member.

I'm tired of living like everyone knows this. Because it's obvious to me that people do not know this. And some know this and reject it, and that's fine with me. You choose that. But if people don't know this and they die thinking that a little water in a church baptistery is going to save them from hell, then I've failed in the ONE mission Christ has given me.

Teach Your Children Well....


...or you can teach them like I do.

Some days, I feel like it's hit or miss with my kids. I feel like I do really great one day and then all the plans I have for the next day just fall apart. Then I'm beating myself up over their failed educational future. I mean Nate (6 yo boy) can't write legibly and hasn't truly decided if right or left works best for him. Josh (my 7yo boy) guesses at most words instead of trying to read them. I don't know what book Lucas (my 11yo boy) is reading right now. Drew (my 15yo boy) is addicted to Stephenie Meyer, Lord knows He hasn't read a "classic" all year. Dan (my 9yo boy)literally does his math work when he feels like it. And Lord bless the 3 year old princess in this house, her preschool curriculum has more to do with what outfit looks better on a stuffed rabbit and which of my dress shoes can be the best car to ride in to a party for the whole animal family, than what sound a "D" makes.

But nights like tonight; where we've just sat around together and had discussions on literature (Shakespeare, Homer, Anne Frank, and Mother Goose, even), world history (hitler, "Indians", Spaniards, and British Imperialism), Math (Algebra, Geometry, and counting by 10's), vocabulary (college level to first grade); I realize that maybe I'm not screwing them up too bad after all.

I'm not an all knowing teacher, sent to impart my vast expanse of knowledge on my offspring. I'm more of an adventurer and prone to rabbit trails. But my children have learned more from rabbit trails than they ever have from lesson plans and schedules. And I thank God for giving me the gift of days like today. Lessons in PJ's and snuggling beside mama. Dad and boys having DEEP conversations about American government over a plate of lasagna and a bowl of chocolate soy dream. And a family that never stops learning and growing. Together.

If I Only Had the Gall...


...bladder that is.

Did you know that if your gall bladder is only functioning at 6% sometimes it starts to spasm?

Did you know that the pain of those spasms is equal to labor? (I kid you not.)

Did you know that if your husband is a firefighter and you need him to drive you to the doctor, he will be out of pocket and your sweet mother-in-law will save the day?

Did you know that a "GI cocktail" is possibly one of the most disgusting things there is to drink? and throw up?

Did you know that gall bladder surgery hurts? Even if they only have to poke 4 holes in your belly?

Did you know that I, personally, have the best friends in the world? Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Now I'm going back to bed.

Inspiring Me Today


Skipping it on Saturdays!

Saturday breakfast!

Chocolate Pancakes with syrup and fried eggs!

We totally splurge on Saturday breakfast if we're home!


Chocolate Pancakes

1 1/2 cups flour
6 tablespoons cocoa
2 tablespoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 teaspoons sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 - 2 cups milk (depending on thickness/crepe-likeness you desire)

Mix it all together and cook on griddle, just like normal pancakes!
Around here, we just use regular maple syrup for topping, but some people add sliced strawberries and whipped cream, or caramel sauce with sliced bananas.
Just have fun with it!

Song stuck in my head.


First to my dear friend, Sara, "I want it that way!"

hee hee

Second, in reference to our pastor's blog, here.

Good Times.
Any time you meet a payment.
Good Times.
Any time you need a friend.
Good Times.
Any time you're out from under.

Not getting hastled, not getting hustled.
Keepin' your head above water,
Making a wave when you can.

Temporary lay offs.
Good Times.
Easy credit rip offs.
Good Times.
Scratchin' and surviving.
Good Times.
Hangin in a chow line
Good Times.
Ain't we lucky we got 'em
Godo Times.

So let's Skip it financially...


The old "just skip it" mentality about finances: Well...if the money's there on Sunday, we'll give it to God. If it isn't there...then God didn't provide.

The new mentality: It's all God's. If I choose to buy a pair of shoes or a mocha frappe' chiller from TCBY (my very favorite) during the week and don't have money on Sunday to tithe. I am guilty of robbing God.

The old "just skip it" mentality about finances: Paying off debt comes first, God wants us to live debt free, so we should get out of debt before tithing....again, if there's no money on Sunday...it's God's fault.

The new mentality: We are called to reach the lost, to take care of people, to be hospitable, and to be cheerful givers. yeah...I know. I'm not laughing all the way to the offering bucket, but I should be. I've got a lot of work to do in my own heart. But we have committed to being faithful in tithing. But we've also committed ourselves to choosing to spend wisely. To find a cheaper home, a cheaper car payment, and a healthy lifestyle...all for the sake of serving God with EVERYTHING He provides: our possessions, our money, and even our debt.



Thankful for a husband who knows how to dismantle and re-mantle(?) a toilet.

Lydia has confessed to a "barbie thing" and "nathan's toy" going down.

We'll see.

Today's schedule


Oddly...today is supposed to get colder and colder as it goes by.

So the kiddos are outside living it up while they can. After lunch...then school!

Then storm warnings.

Sounds like a fun day!

Skipping Breakfast


You know...not skipping breakfast, but skipping it like Skipper means eating it.

And eating GOOD stuff...not junk.

So today the fam is eating organic oatmeal. Cooked over an open flame (gas burner).

The kids have used maple syrup and a bit of butter for flavoring. I'm still addicted to sugar so it's brown sugar and butter for me. I'm getting better, but butter is still my friend.

Just Skipping It


How to Skip it like Skipper.

When you are frustrated with something and you say, "oh, just skip it" you mean, "just forget it" or "I'll just do it myself."

I want to change the definition of skipping it to something more in line with me...since my name is Skipper after all.

I want people to see a problem, say, "oh just skip it!" and mean something good and wonderful. I want someone to help a neighbor and think oh, that's what Skipper meant. That feeling of doing right versus doing nothing.

And because Christ should be the motivation for every action in my life, I want to just skip it, with Christ in mind. I want to be his hands. His feet. I want skipping it to mean doing it just like Jesus.

And I'm going to fall...like a girl with 2 left feet. I'm going to crash like the Titanic. I'm going to trip it up bad, and I'm going to stumble and tumble like the giant mess I am. But I'm going to stand up and try it again. Because He will never give up on me. And praise the Lord that He has already saved me from a hot seat in Hell, because if it wasn't for Him that's where I'd be headed. Thank you, Jesus!

So it might get weird. It might get dirty. But welcome to my life.

side note: Extreme Skipping...who would have thought?