Teach Your Children Well....


...or you can teach them like I do.

Some days, I feel like it's hit or miss with my kids. I feel like I do really great one day and then all the plans I have for the next day just fall apart. Then I'm beating myself up over their failed educational future. I mean Nate (6 yo boy) can't write legibly and hasn't truly decided if right or left works best for him. Josh (my 7yo boy) guesses at most words instead of trying to read them. I don't know what book Lucas (my 11yo boy) is reading right now. Drew (my 15yo boy) is addicted to Stephenie Meyer, Lord knows He hasn't read a "classic" all year. Dan (my 9yo boy)literally does his math work when he feels like it. And Lord bless the 3 year old princess in this house, her preschool curriculum has more to do with what outfit looks better on a stuffed rabbit and which of my dress shoes can be the best car to ride in to a party for the whole animal family, than what sound a "D" makes.

But nights like tonight; where we've just sat around together and had discussions on literature (Shakespeare, Homer, Anne Frank, and Mother Goose, even), world history (hitler, "Indians", Spaniards, and British Imperialism), Math (Algebra, Geometry, and counting by 10's), vocabulary (college level to first grade); I realize that maybe I'm not screwing them up too bad after all.

I'm not an all knowing teacher, sent to impart my vast expanse of knowledge on my offspring. I'm more of an adventurer and prone to rabbit trails. But my children have learned more from rabbit trails than they ever have from lesson plans and schedules. And I thank God for giving me the gift of days like today. Lessons in PJ's and snuggling beside mama. Dad and boys having DEEP conversations about American government over a plate of lasagna and a bowl of chocolate soy dream. And a family that never stops learning and growing. Together.


Anonymous said...

skip, u always were one of the smartest people that i knew...I am sure u r doing a wonderful job with ur kiddos. It warms my heart to know that u r enjoying ur life!! luv u

Windy said...

i love this, Skipper!!

Memories of yesterday said...

I have a similar but different post planned for thursday already! LOL I"m so glad that we can all do "this thing" the way God meant for us to do it! ((Hugs))

Jan said...

You're doing a great job with your kids, Skipper. I don't know how you do all that you do. Not even having surgery seemed to slow you down!

Maria said...

love it and wish I could go back to it!

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